
Australia Job Recruitment Update from Jobs and Skills in Australia (JSA) in 2023

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Australia Job Recruitment Update from Jobs and Skills in Australia (JSA) in 2023



Australia Job Recruitment Update from Jobs and Skills in Australia (JSA) in 2023

We have just completed the first month of 2023 and here are some updates on recruitment in Australia as reported by Jobs and Skills in Australia (JSA) based on data provided by the stakeholders in the country. JSA is an independent agency created by the Australian Government to provide information to support the Government’s response to current, emerging and future labor market and workforce skills and training needs. JSA was established from November 2022, undertaking research and analysis on the resourcing and funding requirements for registered training organizations (before was held by National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011).

Before we move to the news about job requirements in Australia for January 2023, there are some updated files from JSA about Job Requirements Insight before in the country, that you can check here: Recruitment insights

The detailed news about job recruitments in Australia for January 2023 are described below:

1. Recruitment Indicators Eased by December 2022: Updated 24th January of 2023

The December 2022 Recruitment Experiences and Outlook Survey by Jobs and Skills Australia shows that recruitment activity and difficulty decreased slightly during the month, but are still at high levels compared to previous years. The activity is still 1 percentage point higher than the same period last year.

The survey also shows that the recruitment difficulty rate decreased by 4 percentage points to 65%, representing 34% of all employers. This is still higher than the previous year by 8 percentage points, but it is lower than the peak levels recorded between May and November 2022.

Additionally, the survey indicates that 25% of employers expect to increase their staff over the next three months, which is a decrease of 5 percentage points from the previous month. On the other hand, 3% of employers expect to decrease staffing levels over the next three months, which is down from 5% the previous month.

Read more: Recruitment Experiences and Outlook Survey | Labour Market Insights

Notes: These data are not compiled in seasonality, and typically there are lower levels of recruitment activity during December and January

2. Online Jobs Ads Decreased in December 2022: Updated 25th January of 2023

According to the Jobs and Skills Australia, Internet Vacancy Index (IVI) report shows that there was a small decrease of 0.3% in online job advertisements at the national level in December 2022, with a total of 272,500 job advertisements.

Read more: Online job ads show lower skilled occupations continue to fall in December

Additionally, overall recruitment activity sees an increase of 6.3% (or plus 16,200 job advertisements) compared to the previous year. It shows that for 2022 Australia is still in high demand for career opportunities through the employers in the country that needs skilled worker immigrants.

The report also shows that the job advertisement decreased in three of the five skill level groups, four of the major professional occupations and lower-skilled occupations larger decreased. The news reported that occupations that require Certificate I or secondary education and Labourers occupation group are in largest decrease for job recruitment in Australia through online advertisement.

On the other hand, the reports also updated that Automotive and Engineering Trade Workers increased by 670 job advertisements or 6.2% in December 2022.

Australia job recruitment

What does this have to do with job opportunities in Australia?

According to recent news, there is a correlation between job opportunities in Australia and the expected increase in staff and difficulty in recruitment in certain industries, as outlined below:

Job Opportunities Based On Expectations Increased Staff

In the December 2022 quarter, the Accommodation and Food Services industry had the highest percentage of employers expecting to increase staff over the next 3 months at 46%, while Professional, Scientific and Technical Services had the lowest percentage at 23%. Compared to the previous year, there is a higher proportion of employers expecting to increase staffing in Manufacturing and Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, and a lower proportion in industries such as Health Care and Social Assistance, Accommodation and Food Services, and Retail Trade. Among regions, the proportion of employers expecting to increase staffing has increased the most in South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania, meanwhile decreased in Victoria and Queensland.

Based on the expectations of increased staff for certain selected industries, occupations and regions shows that more job recruitments and opportunities will be in high demand in 2023, especially for Accommodations and Food Services industries, Manufacturing and Professional occupations in South Australia and Western Australia states.

Job recruitment news

Job Opportunities Based On Recruitment Difficulty

Recruitment difficulty is higher than last year for many industries, with the largest increase in Construction and Wholesale Trade. All job categories have seen an increase in recruitment difficulty, with the biggest increase in Technicians and Trades Workers and Machinery Operators and Drivers. Recruitment difficulty is also higher across most states, with the biggest increase in Western Australia, followed by Victoria and New South Wales and with lowest recruitment difficulty in Tasmania.

Sources: Recruitment Experiences and Outlook Survey | Jobs and Skills Australia

The conclusion is, that job opportunities may be changed every year based on the shortages happening in Australia. This news update may be one of your pathways to know more about the job opportunities for you if you want to work and migrate to Australia.

You’ve been reading for a discussion available for you on working for employers in Australia and contains the news summary of Job opportunities. Keep Yourself Updated with the job and employers resources with us.

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